February 16, 2016 by AP-Networks Leave a Comment A Mega Turnaround is our highest classification of turnaround complexity here at AP-Networks, exceeding our three other complexity classifications. These events are incredibly difficult to execute even by well-seasoned turnaround teams with effective turnaround plans in place. So how do you successfully execute these events when you add the challenge of utilizing multicultural crafts? Do increased challenges with communication and craft integration spell certain doom for any Mega Turnaround, or are there ways to effectively manage multicultural crafts to achieve successful execution? Are there opportunities presented by multicultural crafts? If so, what are they, and how do you take advantage of them? We’ll be discussing this topic on Wednesday, March 23rd at the Turnaround Industry Network Conference (TINC) Europe. TINC Europe is the premier symposium for sharing best practices to deliver safe, event-free, predictable, and competitive outcomes. Register now, and add your voice to the conversation.